Budgeting: Freeing or Enslaving? (Part 3 – Biblical Answers for Tough Financial Times)

Financial experts say that most problems with our finances are problems with our spending, not our earning.  So, how do we care for the money that we receive?  Pastor Bill looks to the Bible for some answers that can help us get our financial house in order even in these difficult financial times.  Listen in to Pastor Bill’s message from Faith Church’s Sunday morning service.

Here are the suggested budget percentages that I promised to post.  For your specific situation, the percentages may need to be adjusted, although I would recommend your tithe to your home church remain a tithe, that is, 10%, since that is the Biblical guideline (cf. Malachi 3, Luke 11:42):

tithe 10
housing 32
food 10
auto 10
insurance 5
debts 5
school/child care 5
clothing 5
savings 5
medical/dental 4
entertain/recreation 4
misc 5

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